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Pay Attention to These 5 Things Before Applying for a Bank Loan! In order not to go bankrupt in prolonged debt

[ad_1] – Making a bank loan is one of the solutions that is often taken when someone is in need of funds for various purposes.

Apart from being a solution for funding needs, it turns out that if it is not managed properly, bank loans can make the borrower bankrupt and in prolonged debt.

Bank loans that experience bad installments can be detrimental to both parties, for the debtor and also the creditor.

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Therefore, think carefully before you apply for a bank loan.

Here are some things to consider before applying for a bank loan;

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1. Choose an official bank and supervised by the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

Choose a bank that is supervised by the OJK so that if one day something unexpected happens, the OJK will act as an intermediary.

2. Avoid borrowing bank money for consumptive purposes.

Borrowing money at the Bank should be for productive purposes such as business capital, so that the money used can grow and can be used to pay off debts from business results.

3. Don’t apply for a bank loan that exceeds your ability to pay.

Usually the bank will do BI Checking to find out how much your ability to pay.

But usually online loan applications don’t do this so the possibility of bad credit is greater.

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